All About Kids’ Crowns You Wanted To Know

Crowns for kids are no less necessary than for adults. Many parents think that children do not need teeth prostheses. Primary teeth will fall out and constant ones will take their place. It is a mistake that may cause a lot of problems for their children. Sometimes the natural order of the teeth changing is violated on different reasons. 

There can be some appointments for extraction of the primary teeth. The reason for this may become its severe damage or infection. Sometimes it is better to remove the hotbed of problem not to let it spread further. What will happen if the tooth is extracted long before the constant one will take his place?

1.       Other teeth will be overwhelmed by chewing work.
2.       Teeth will move to fill the empty space and grow chaotically.
3.       The occlusion may be spoiled.
4.       It will be difficult for a child to chew food.
5.       The diction may be spoiled forever.
6.       A child will feel shy to smile.

What kind of prostheses are recommended for kids? Usually it is a removable prosthesis for one tooth. They are set up with the help of special locks that hug the edge teeth. Sometimes they are glued but this procedure is much longer. If some tooth were removed, a natural-looking bridge would the best decision.

What materials are used for kids’ crowns? Of course, they are non-toxic, like nylon. This variant is not cheap. It also depends on what will pediatric dentist see on the X-ray picture. If the constant tooth is already seen and needs less than year to appear, there can be a more economic plastic used. Nylon is hypoallergenic and soft. It is used for a gum part of the prosthesis and perfectly repeats the structure of mucosa. Plastic or acryl are much cheaper and can be an allergen. Still, it is a very resistible material that looks rather natural. So if there are no contraindication and the term of wearing the prosthesis is not very long, it may be the choice for a little patient.


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