Erectile Dysfunction

The most widely spread male sexual dysfunction is an impossibility to perform a sexual intercourse because of the weak erection. It can either not appear or not last long. Erectile dysfunction is subdivided into primary and secondary. Primary erectile dysfunction occurs congenitally and is quite a rare thing. It means that a man never succeeded in his attempts to perform a sexual intercourse. Secondary erectile dysfunction is more common. It is a situation when man once had a successful intimate life but later the problem appeared.

Very often men complain on weak erection that will not allow to perform an intercourse. Or it may be rather tough but disappears when it comes to sex. The reasons of such a delicate problem can be very different. They are:
1.       Cardiovascular disease (hypertonia, ischemia, atherosclerosis etc.)
2.       Endocrine pathologies. Among them are hypogonadism (not enough testosterone production), diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal glands pathologies, hypophysis tumor etc.
3.       Urologic disease (congenital sex organs’ pathologies, prostate and bladder disease, kidney failure etc.)
4.       Neurologic disease (depression, epilepsy, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, consequences of traumas and operations on head and spinal brain, pelvic and perineum area).
5.       Side effects of some medicine taken (diuretics, beta-adrenoblockers, antihistamine preparations etc.)

According to the scientific researches, 39% of men after 40% and 69% after 50 suffers from erectile dysfunctions. But sometimes in can occur in a younger age. The strongest provoking factors are overwhelming, somatic diseases and psychological problems. The treatment of erectile dysfunction depends on the reason that caused it. Its prevention includes having enough physical activity, eating healthy food, control of the arterial pressure and cholesterol level, avoiding bad habits and leading regular intimate life.


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